A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley

De.Coded is an exploration of 101 remarkable change makers from Silicon Valley. This multi-media book was built on a year-long nomination process where a group of local grassroots leaders and activists nominated extraordinary individuals, from across all their networks and communities. Each featured nominee was chosen for their extraordinary contribution to the region and beyond. The final work honors the exceptional diversity of the valley and tells a deeper narrative about one of the most influential regions on earth. The project was curated by Cathy Kimball, and commissioned by the DavidĀ & Lucile Packard Foundation with nomination & fiscal supportĀ provided by the American Leadership Forum (ALF).
A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley
Search De.CodedĀ in Google Play or iTunes App Store.
Buy the De.CodedĀ book directly from LYON – Click here
Artist ā Marcus Lyon
Curator ā Cathy Kimball
Design ā Jim Sutherland & Ethan Brown at Studio Sutherl&
Series Producer ā Camila Pastorelli
Image & Sound ā Joe Briggs-Price
DNA ā Family Tree DNA
Print ā Verona Libri
Sound ā Matt Hill and the team at Rethink Audio
App Build ā Tenacity Works
Commissioned by ā David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Nomination & Fiscal Support ā American Leadership Forum
Community Partner ā School of Arts and Culture at MHP East San Jose
Publisher ā LYON
Launching October 2023