
A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley

La mejor herencia que puedo dar a mis hijos es la educación.... / The best inheritance I can give my children is education....

Paula Pérez García



A Human Atlas of Silicon Valley


Search De.Coded in Google Play or iTunes App Store.


Buy the De.Coded book directly from LYON – Click here


Artist – Marcus Lyon
Curator – Cathy Kimball
Design – Jim Sutherland & Ethan Brown at Studio Sutherl&
Series Producer – Camila Pastorelli
Image & Sound – Joe Briggs-Price
DNA – Family Tree DNA
Print – Verona Libri
Sound – Matt Hill and the team at Rethink Audio
App Build – Tenacity Works
Commissioned by – David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Nomination & Fiscal Support – American Leadership Forum
Community Partner – School of Arts and Culture at MHP East San Jose
Publisher – LYON


Launching October 2023

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La mejor herencia que puedo dar a mis hijos es la educación.... / The best inheritance I can give my children is education....